6 ways to lose weight at every meal

6 ways to lose weight at every meal

If you want to lose weight without going on a specific diet, there are two things to worry about mainly, and they relate to nutrition. The first, if you think you are overeating, is to try to eat a little less, perhaps helping yourself with foods that have low calorie density; the second is to vary your diet, for example by adopting habits that allow you to have a nutritious and healthy diet.
In this article we look at 6 ways to lose weight by making very simple changes at every meal, thanks to an article that appeared in Popsugar , which illustrates some tricks that experts consider effective.

Six ways to lose weight with every meal
1) Drink only water:
 water, coffee or tea without sugar or sweeteners should be your only drinks, perhaps allowing you only one glass of wine a week.
It is also a good idea to start each meal by drinking a full glass of water twenty minutes beforehand.
2) Eat vegetables with every meal . Ok, here the article suggests eating zucchini and mushrooms for breakfast too, but let’s say that the idea is to include a good portion of vegetables at every meal. Fruit for breakfast, a large side of vegetables for lunch and one for dinner. 3) Combine fiber and protein with every meal

choose balanced meals and never eat a carbohydrate-only meal. So, make sure you have fiber from whole grains, wholemeal pasta or brown rice, vegetables or fruit; protein from cheeses, soy cheeses or vegan protein alternatives such as seitan, legumes, meat, eggs or fish.
4) Calorie count: you don’t have to count calories, but it’s a great help. Try to keep each meal between 350 calories (breakfast) and 500 / 55o (lunch or dinner)
5) Do not get distracted during meals and chew for a long time: having lunch standing up, quickly or while working makes the meal less satiating, it makes us feel like we haven’t eaten. Focusing on food, at least talking, is instead a great way to increase the sense of satiety.
6) Eat until you are satisfied but not full: to understand how to do it, you have to imagine that you can ideally continue to eat a little more as a whim, and you have to stop me a moment before.
I give you one last piece of advice, it’s small but it really works: instead of “making your plate” by adjusting your portion, use two plates . One smaller empty and the other with your portion. Take two spoons or a part of the portion, transfer it to the smallest saucer, eat and return to serve yourself by repeating the operation. At the end of the serving, you will be much more satisfied than with the normal dish.

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