6 myths about losing weight that everyone believes
Not all clichés are false. A cliché can indeed be true, being part of common sense. But when it is totally false, the cliché is a prejudice that helps to create misinformation. There are many clichés but also many prejudices about diets, weight, nutrition, and everything related to the topic of “losing weight” or losing weight. In this article we will look at 6 commonplaces that are real prejudices about weight.
I know people who firmly believe in it but never wondered if they were even true.
I weigh more for my bones.
All those who believe they have particularly heavy bones must change their minds. It was an old prejudice that was still hard to die. This only makes sense if we compare the skeleton of a person less than one meter and fifty tall with that of a person two meters tall. But in general, the variation between a thinner bone constitution and a more robust one for the same body weight and height varies by 3% of body weight .
Let’s say you weigh sixty kilos and have a strong build. Your bones may have given you just under 2 pounds more than your thin-boned twin in height and weight.
Less than two. Not five or six or ten.
You can only lose fat with diet.
There is no specific diet that only makes us lose fat mass. Not fasting, nor special diets, nor food elimination. For every diet we do, we lose fluids, muscle and fat (in the order I write it to you).
The more drastic the diet, the less the body will get rid of fat, for the simple reason that keeping fat is less expensive for our body than maintaining muscle.
It works exactly as if there were a cost cut: what do we give up first? To something that costs us 10 euros a month for its maintenance (fat) or to something that costs us a thousand (muscle)?
The more I sweat, the more I lose weight.
Weighing yourself immediately after training or measuring yourself with the centimeter makes no sense. Don’t sweat the fat away. By sweating, our body tries to regulate the internal temperature with the external one (thermoregulation). To do this, it releases water and a small part of mineral salts. Water that must be replenished after training to promote muscle recovery and avoid putting the body under stress. So how do we lose fats? According to one study, fat “evaporates” through breathing once the body destroys fat cells. Not with sweat.
To lose weight, I have to cut calories.
To lose weight, or lose fat mass, you must not cut calories but create a sustainable deficit, again for the reasoning made in point 2. The more the body goes into a saving regime, the more it gets rid of water and lean mass: the more drastic the diet the more our weight loss will be minimally a loss of fat mass and mostly a loss of lean mass, with the result that at the end of the diet we have a reduced metabolism. Energy deficit can be achieved by scaling down meals and increasing physical activity, or even just by increasing physical activity. There is no need to cut calories to lose fat.
I have to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
Drink water. A lot of water. Lots of water.
Although everyone believes that each of us should drink two liters of water a day, the amount of water we must drink actually depends on a number of factors: our height, weight, body conformation, physical activity, a ‘ nutrition more or less rich in hydrated foods.
Drinking too much for a person can even be dangerous because it forces the body to get rid of mineral salts. One must drink according to thirst. I’ll explain why here.
It is impossible to lose weight if there are genetic reasons involved.
Genetic causes affect weight loss for 25% of the population. So one in 4 people will also have problems of a genetic nature for which they do not lose weight. 3 out of 4 no. Of this 25%, the genetic predisposition to overweight does not lead to a sentence of heavier weight and an inability to lose weight. People who are genetically disadvantaged accumulate fat more easily than others and lose it more difficult. So yes, this 25% of the population can lose weight. Only, it will take longer.
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