6 healthy breakfasts to lose weight in autumn and winter

6 healthy breakfasts to lose weight in autumn and winter


Did you know? What we eat in the morning affects our metabolic processes over the next 24 hours. If we eat carbohydrates, our blood sugar will be more regular during the day, and having the right breakfast is the best strategy to stay fit or lose weight intelligently. So here are my ideas for healthy breakfasts to lose weight.


We have seen that the first feature is that breakfast contains carbohydrates to improve the glycemic response throughout the day.
Not only that: here we will see healthy breakfasts to lose weight as they are functional to stimulate digestion to produce more energy and increase body temperature.
A right breakfast to lose weight or stay in your weight in winter must first of all be enjoyed warm or warm, because this favors the digestive processes and allows you to convert more calories in maintaining body temperature.
Another factor that must differentiate between summer and winter is the presence of foods that contain sirtuins, because they stimulate the metabolism in cold periods. And finally, foods that contain vitamin A, which promote thermogenesis by activating brown fat.

We will summarize all these concepts in 6 healthy breakfasts to lose weight in the cold months.

The calories of each breakfast are less than 300 and allow you to make it all the way to lunch, perhaps breaking up with a small mid-morning snack, such as a cappuccino sweetened with stevia or 8 almonds.
Please do not modify or substitute the ingredients.

6 breakfasts to lose weight in autumn and winter

Among the breakfasts for weight loss, the first two are porridge. Porridge is an oatmeal that allows you to take in soluble fiber and improve digestion.

Cocoa oat porridge

The first version is the cocoa porridge, which I recommend you make the night before: put 200 ml of whole milk, also delactosed, 10 grams of unsweetened cocoa, first dissolving it in a little milk, and 35 grams of oat flakes in a saucepan. , plus a pinch of salt. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil, until you get a not too thick cream, which will come from flaking flakes.

porridgecio cioccolato

Add after turning off: a heaping teaspoon of honey and 20 grams of milk chocolate into small pieces. Let the chocolate melt in the mixture. Cover with a lid, let it rest at room temperature overnight.
In the morning, you will find that the cream has thickened. Quickly heat it for a minute, stirring it over medium heat. Serve hot in a bowl, sprinkling with cinnamon if you like.
Breakfast has 270 calories with coffee or tea with stevia.

Wheat bran porridge for intestinal health and against high blood sugar

In the green tea version, we first prepare the tea and use flaked soft wheat bran instead of oats: put a cup of water in a saucepan, bring it to a boil and then infuse the tea (a green tea bag). ). Once the sachet has been removed, pour 30 grams of bran, 100 grams of pureed apple or pureed pear into the tea. Bring to the boil, always stirring.

porridge two

We cover the cream with a lid, the next morning heat it for a few minutes, turn it off, add a spoonful of honey and cold one hundred grams of whole white Greek yogurt, whole quark or whole soy yogurt.
Let’s enjoy it with a sprinkle of cinnamon. It sounds complicated, but it takes 15 minutes in the evening and two in the morning.
This version provides 280 calories.

Light and protein creme brulé with pavesini

The light creme brulèè is prepared in advance, put in the fridge with a teaspoon of brown sugar, covered with plastic wrap. And for breakfast it is heated in the oven or in the microwave, served with a packet of pavesivi or 4 Magretti di Galbusera biscuits.
For 4 servings, in a steel saucepan, work 3 medium egg yolks with 15 grams of brown sugar. Separately, mix 30 grams of corn starch with 30 grams of vanilla-flavored collagen and gradually add 500 ml of semi-skimmed milk.
We pour this mixture of milk to the cream of yolks, bring the mixture to the boiling point, stirring constantly. Now divide the cream into 4 cocotte, on top of each cocotte we put a teaspoon of brown sugar. We cover with cling film, let it cool, put it in the fridge.
In the morning we take out one of the casseroles and pass it in a hot oven at 200 ° for 8 minutes, then in grill mode for two minutes. Let’s enjoy it accompanying it with biscuits. This treat has it all, including collagen, and is perfectly balanced despite the cookies. The calories including cookies are 283.

Apple soup cooked with ricotta cream

Even this cooked apple soup can be made in advance, in larger doses that we can keep in the fridge, where it can be kept for 3 days. Let’s see it for a portion. Take a 250 gram red or yellow apple, cut it into pieces, put it in a saucepan with a pinch of salt, one of cinnamon, one of powdered cloves. Cook over low heat until the apple has flaked apart. Add 5 grams of butter or ghee and turn off. In a bowl, cold work 100 grams of mixed ricotta or sheep’s milk with a teaspoon of granulated sugar, a tablespoon of low-fat white yogurt and a teaspoon of wheat germ or oats or chia seeds. Cover with cling film and keep in the fridge.

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