5 reasons NOT to go on a crash diet

5 reasons NOT to go on a crash diet

Out of ten people who read me, at least nine want to lose weight . Of these nine people, most will try to lose weight at any cost , falling victim to unscrupulous people, who for money would be able to shoot videos telling their fantastic experience in order to sell supplements and questionable methods, to meet them in person, to spend hours on the phone and make friends with them.
And the thing that always escapes most of these people is that losing weight is easy. Any crash diet can allow you to lose weight.

What’s the problem? Do not gain weight and do not deteriorate your health (which then leads to weight gain).
When any method of weight loss leads you to gain weight by eating normally and in a balanced way, that method is fallacious. And you have been victims of it. If you are forced to repeat the method or always use that method to lose weight, that method is fallacious and you have been the victim of it. These two simple things make you understand that if weight loss is not guaranteed forever (unless you knowingly want to gain weight by eating 3 times our daily calorie requirement), the method is fallacious and you were wrong to follow it. 

Why do I say that it is easy to lose weight? Because it is easy to find a crash diet that, completely ruining our health, pushes us to lose weight.
Crash diets can be fatal: there are people who have ingested parasites to lose weight, people who have undergone complicated surgical procedures (including sewing a patch on their tongue), there is the cotton diet, so yes they only ingest juices through cotton flakes, diets programmed on fasting (not intermittent, I am talking about real fasts, or more than 48 hours without ingesting anything or almost anything), diets that involve injections of hormones that can ruin our metabolism and seriously compromise the our hormonal function. Finally, there are diets that are so restrictive that they eliminate two out of three macronutrients. This is to say nothing of the supplements that claim victims every year, which is never talked about enough: people who are on the waiting list for liver transplants despite the use of “one hundred percent natural” weight loss supplements, others who cannot more be here to tell it. So let’s see 5 reasons not to take a crash diet, without taking into account the danger, of which I have already made a clear picture. I hope

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