5 healthy habits that cause a slow metabolism

5 healthy habits that cause a slow metabolism

Okay, I know it may sound absurd, but let someone who reads two diet books a day tell you: there are what we consider good and healthy habits without really knowing why, healthy practices that we believe make us lose weight , and instead make ours worse. situation, because they slow down the metabolism. Furthermore, these are things that we hear repeated right to left, but on which we have never investigated enough, letting ourselves be duped a little by the “positive opinions” found on the internet without investigating too much whether this was really the case or not. In short: we consider them to be healthy things, but they may not even be.

You will say, okay, but if healthy eating doesn’t work, then why does those who don’t eat healthy get fat?

In fact, you may very well eat healthy without doing these things specifically, which are die-hard dietary trends rather than good habits. The result? A lot of people use these trends, managing to get their metabolism messed up . If they are part of your daily life but you are still battling the extra pounds, just try to avoid these 5 things.


  1. Cut Carbohydrates:  Personally, I know of no worse dietary trend. Not only in my life have I paid the price of low carb diets several times, but there are many people who play their thyroid by eliminating carbohydrates from the diet. If you want to know why, click here.
  2. Have the insane snack : fruit yogurt, 90-calorie cereal bar, rice cakes, crackers, sugar-free biscuits with various sweeteners. I know of no worse ways to raise your blood sugar between main meals. And get fat.
  3. You’ve eliminated whole milk, whole dairy products and full-fat cheeses: while low-fat dairy products and skimmed milk can also be used in place of whole milk, aged cheeses must be part of our diet if we want a faster metabolism. There is a correlation between butyric acid, optimal digestion and metabolism.
  4. Eat with little salt : salt is not the enemy we have been painted for years, unless you suffer from hypertension. But even in this case, instead of eliminating salt from the diet, use whole salt, there are various types on the market. Choose whole sea salts, rich in iodine.
  5. You drink too much water: they tell us to drink eight glasses of water a day, but are we sure it’s a good idea? Too much water slows down our metabolism. The ideal is to drink it when we are thirsty. It is not true that when we are thirsty we are already dehydrated, it is a hoax. We drink when we feel thirsty.

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