13 super slimming drinks to help you lose weight

There is a correct way to lose weight and there is a wrong way to lose weight.
There are foods that are good for you and foods that are bad for you.
Same goes for what we drink.
For this reason I really want to talk about foods and drinks that are good, that help our body detoxify (as in the detox diet ).
There is nothing more frustrating than a good detox habit than trying to lose those 3-4 pounds.
Yet I see you with your healthy lunches taking the stairs and not the elevator to get some exercise.
Sometimes all of this is useless, there are always those 3 extra pounds that you don’t like to see on your body.
I guess some of you are thinking these extra pounds are a life sentence.
But is not so. There is a way to lose weight, as long as it is done by taking note of your specific needs.
Furthermore, let’s be clear if the values are okay, having 3 kilos more does not change anything.
But if you’re struggling to lose a few pounds and wear a killer outfit for an upcoming event, you may need to shift some of your focus to what you’re drinking instead.
I want to make this point clear: drinks that help burn fat and lose weight shouldn’t be a substitute for healthy eating!
I certainly don’t want you to live on a potentially disastrous liquid diet in an attempt to lose weight fast. We have all seen what happens to people who follow a juice-only diet, etc, etc. We have mood swings, irritability and lack of energy.
The positive thing of course is that by drinking a lot of liquid stuff the feeling of satiety will come sooner and, above all, without drinking stuff that is bad, like carbonated drinks but a lot of substances that are good for us.
So, without further hesitation, these are the 13 drinks that can help you lose weight!
H2O to the rescue
Index Article
1. Water
We all know we should drink lots of water every day, yet many of us still can’t get it.
Whether this is due to lack of taste or frequent trips to the bathroom, your love-hate with water must end, especially if weight loss is your goal
I’ve already talked about the fact that half a liter of water can boost your metabolism by as much as 30% over the course of the first 90 minutes, but if you’re still not convinced, here’s one more reason for you.
Participants in this study who drank half a liter of water before each meal enjoyed a 44% increase in weight loss over the course of 12 weeks!
I don’t know about you, but over 40% weight loss could mean a lot to lose those final four pounds!
The key is to drink water throughout the day instead of doing it all at once before a meal. In fact, you should drink your half liter about 20 minutes before your meal so that you don’t get too hungry before you eat.
2. Water and lemon
Now that we understand the importance of water, let’s do some experiments.
I know very well that water is not a particularly attractive drink but there are ways to make it more appealing
Instead of drinking sugar-filled carbonated drinks, opt for water with lemon whenever you need a flavor boost.
During meals, lemon water will help your body digest what you are about to eat and will also help you speed up your metabolism long after you have finished eating.
The first thing water with lemon does is greatly reduce post-lunch belly swelling.
Who doesn’t get a flat stomach after meals?
No more uncomfortable afternoon meetings or late night dinners where you are too full to go to bed (which, by the way, is a bad idea altogether, you should leave room for digestion before falling asleep).
And if you start the day with lemon water , you will be in even better shape.
By adding a squeeze of lemon to hot water, as soon as you wake up, your metabolism will jump.
I’d also like to argue that lemon water is better than coffee because coffee dehydrates you in the early morning.
3. Coconut water
Coconut water is hardly ever considered good weight loss water.
At just 46 calories per glass, coconut water is a low-calorie flavor exchange that also has cholesterol-lowering properties.
In a study in the Journal of Medicinal Food, rats treated with small amounts of coconut water experienced a drop in both low-density lipoprotein and triglyceride (bad cholesterol) levels.
So rather than gorging on sugar-added sodas, throw yourself into the very tasty coconut water.
I must warn you that some brands are loaded with sugar and may not be the right ones for your journey. Beware of the supermarket.
Thinness with tea and coffee
The latest big fashion on Instagram is to photograph yourself holding these super detox teas to show the intense thinness achieved. What I want to tell you is that there is no need for a specific drink to lose weight, because what is good for us is already contained in theine and caffeine. Let’s see calmly.
4. White tea
White tea is one of my favorites due to its light flavor as opposed to black tea.
While black tea can be bitter, white tea is more subtle in taste. This is why I always recommend that novice tea drinkers start with white tea. Although black tea is the one that is much more likely to be found in restaurants, white tea is easier on the palate.
Researchers found that white tea actually breaks down fat and prevents fat cells from forming.
Probably one of my favorite things about white tea – aside from its weight loss benefits and high antioxidant count – is the fact that it’s not as processed as some other varieties.
Plus, using only tea and hot water, it’s a calorie-free choice, which is perfect for anyone looking to cut calories without sacrificing taste.
5. Oolong tea
A study conducted by Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center and featured on LiveStrong looked at the effects of consuming oolong tea over the course of three days. The researchers found that those who drank 4 cups of tea (compared to 4 cups of water) had more than 3% energy expenditure and burned 67 more calories than their peers who drank water.
If those results aren’t enough, the study also found that the group showed 12% more fat oxidation.
6. Rooibos
Don’t be distracted by the complicated name. Rooibos tea is just as easy to make and brings similar weight loss benefits as oolong tea.
Unlike white, green, oolong and black tea (which all come from the same plant, Camellia sinensis), rooibos tea is actually a herbal tea that comes from the rooibos plant.
However, rooibos shares one thing with green tea in particular: it contains beneficial flavonoids. It is essentially a type of antioxidants that help fight free radicals caused by poor diet and pollution.
Rooibos tea also contains another antioxidant that can be linked to weight loss: catechins.
During one study , researchers looked at the effects of catechin ingested with tea and found that daily consumption resulted in a “significantly less” decrease in body weight, BMI, waist circumference, fat mass and subcutaneous fat in the participants. .
And these catechins are not only found in rooibos tea but also in oolong and green tea.
7. Green tea
I love green tea, this is what I rely on when I want to lose weight.
Thanks to the compound epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that is contained in green tea, users have reported 33% more fat oxidation according to a study presented in an article by Dr. Mercola .
Here is what else Dr. Mercola says about the benefits of green tea for weight loss:
It can increase our metabolism
It could prevent the development of fat cells
It helps to increase the excretion of fat
Green tea also has a small amount of caffeine, which could be another reason it is so great at speeding up our metabolism.
Now let’s talk about a tea with a little more flavor: peppermint tea.
8. Mint tea
Have you ever had a sip of orange juice after just brushing your teeth?
It doesn’t taste good, that’s for sure.
Well this is similar to how peppermint tea works. Change your taste buds to get rid of those nagging cravings that usually come knocking on your door after a meal.
According to research published in the Journal of Neurological and Orthopedic Medicine:
“People who drank mint every two hours lost an average of 5 pounds per month. The mint flavor sends signals to the brain to stop eating ”.
Enjoy peppermint tea after a meal or before bedtime.
9. Coffee
I’ve never been one of those who don’t get up in the morning without coffee, but for some people, coffee is essential.
Some considerations on whether coffee aids weight loss.
As dietician Kathy Taylor says :
“Studies have shown that drinking coffee with caffeine can slightly increase weight loss or actually prevent weight gain by suppressing appetite or the desire to eat.”
Taylor goes on to say that the coffee:
“It can also help with calorie burning by stimulating thermogenesis – our body’s way of producing heat to metabolize food. Ultimately, caffeine acts as a diuretic causing a loss of water so there is a temporary decrease in body weight “.
Now, this is not a free pass to live on coffee alone but it can be useful to know.
Keep in mind: for every cup of coffee you drink, you will need to add a cup of water to combat possible dehydration.
Tasty alternatives
10. My fat-melting drink
I combined green tea, cucumbers, oranges, lemons, ginger and fresh mint with filtered water to make this fat-melting drink really flavorful. I want to know then what you think, try it.
11. Fresh Chia
Thanks to my obsession with chia seeds, I’ve found a ton of ways to use this ingredient – from chia pudding to this ancient Mexican energy drink known as Chia Fresca .
The Huffington Post tells us Fresca chia can be used as an amazing pre-workout drink.
Plus, the ingredients are all easy.
2 liters of plain or coconut water
1 and a half tablespoons of chia seeds
½ teaspoon of fresh lemon juice
Natural sweetener to taste (maple syrup or honey are fine)
Here’s how it’s done:
Add the chia seeds to the water. Mix well. If your chia seeds settle to the bottom it is recommended that you use a jar with a lid so you can shake everything up.
Let it sit for 10 minutes.
Add lemon juice and sweetener to taste.
12. Aloe vera juice
Obesity Research & Practice published a study in which obese rats given aloe vera had major body improvements in 35 days of research.
And what about the man?
A smaller study with obese participants who either already had diabetes or were considered prediabetic split the groups into two: one relied on a placebo, the other relied on an aloe vera gel complex over the course of eight weeks. Those who consumed aloe vera “lost more weight and body fat than those on the placebo.”
But before you rush out and buy all the aloe vera you can find, there is one thing to consider.
Aloe vera is a natural laxative, which may sound great for weight loss, but can actually cause unhealthy loss of fluids and electrolytes.
Additionally, some users have reported side effects like diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, so it’s best not to mess with them too much and take it easy.
13. Vegetable juices
One study found that “adults who drank at least one liter of vegetable juice per day lost 4 pounds in 12 weeks, while those who followed the same diet but didn’t drink the juice lost only one pound.”
Furthermore, “the vegetable juice drinkers also significantly increased their vitamin C and potassium intake by reducing their overall carbohydrate intake.”
Can you now understand why supplementing a healthy diet and exercise with these 13 drinks can help you get the results you want?
Which drinks on my list have you already tried? I’d love to hear what you think in the comments below!
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