10 reasons to eat cantaloupe melon

10 reasons to eat cantaloupe melon

Summer, as we know, calls into question the consumption of fresh and thirst-quenching fruit, and in particular this is the time of yellow and white melon, watermelon and their variants.

Today I will list 10 reasons to take advantage of an extra slice of cantaloupe melon, the classic yellow-orange melon in the pulp , also called popone or bread melon, which among the most successful combinations is eaten with raw ham.

It is recommended to eat it between meals if we want to avoid digestive problems, for example as a snack or snack.
Melon like watermelon is indeed loaded with water, so it slows digestion when eaten after lunch or dinner. On the contrary, eaten alone it has a rapid digestion due to the content of water and simple sugars.


  1. Prevention of oral and lung neoplasms
  2. Helps to have healthy eyes
  3. Promotes a good mood
  4. Antitumor
  5. Protects the skin from ultraviolet rays
  6. Useful for cardiovascular health and against high blood pressure
  7. Antibacterial, it helps you prevent different forms of infection
  8. Contains antioxidants that counteract cellular aging
  9. Helps keep blood sugar under control and prevent diabetes
  10. Low-calorie, it is an adjunct to a slimming diet.

Single dishes based on melon.

  1. Instant melon ice cream.
    Blend 200 grams of cantaloupe melon slices kept 3/4 of an hour in the freezer with a jar of skimmed Greek yogurt kept 3/4 of an hour in the freezer, cinnamon and half a teaspoon of honey. Ideal as a replacement for a 185 calorie meal.
  2. Ham and melon.
    80 gr of defatted ham and 5 slices of melon (180 gr) are a perfect meal that provides only 175 calories!
  3. Melon smoothie. 
    Refreshing, anti-stress, it fights water retention and is perfect for menopausal women who want to lose weight. It replaces breakfast. Just blend 150 grams of cantaloupe with 125 grams of sugar-free soy yogurt, 2 ice cubes, a sprinkling of cinnamon, 50 grams of cucumber.


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