10 light sweet snacks against the hunger for sweet
If you have arrived here you have a problem, or almost, with sweets, what in English is called “sweet tooth”.
Since this is a blog about diets and nutrition, if it often happens that you are craving for a sweet, and sometimes a real chasm opens up where you would swallow a complete pastry, you have come to the right place, but if I can advise you, pay attention to the moment when you get this craving for sweets and correct your diet to stem the problem.
This does not mean that nutrition explains everything, because the hunger for sweet can come to us for many reasons, including psychological, even hormonal.
If this happens to you in the afternoon or evening, it is almost certain that you have eaten few carbohydrates since the morning (breakfast and lunch).
Or if the problem occurs during the morning or at night, get into the good habit of having a small sweet snack half an hour before bed.
Any of these snacks won’t make you fat even if you eat them before bed.
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