Why am I fattening? Here are the non-dietary reasons

Why am I fattening? Here are the non-dietary reasons

Okay, you are not going to go on a diet, but you have been gaining weight for some time without knowing why, and it obviously alarms you. When you look in the mirror you don’t like yourself the way you used to.

You eat the same things as always, but you notice some extra roundness and the clothes that tighten. You may have asked yourself: why am I getting fat right now? What has changed?
Let’s see all the non-diet-related reasons that lead you to gain weight.

Why am I fattening? Here are the reasons that do not affect your diet

Unless you have particular metabolic syndromes or are doing a particular drug therapy (cortisone, hormone therapy, psychiatric drugs, etc.), there are five reasons why if your pounds were stocks you would now be a good investment. Don’t get down on it and let’s see them together.

  1. You are training badly.

    You have joint pain or inflammation, plantar fasciitis or other problems due to mistakes made during physical activity. Or again: you’ve been doing the same workout for years. With the logical consequence that your metabolism has got used to that stimulus. And you no longer burn the same calories you used to.
    In this case, it is better to review our training, perhaps completely changing physical activity and choosing one with a lower intensity.

  2. It is called menopause or andropause, but it is always “pause”.

    From menopause or andropause onwards, and generally already after the age of 40, therefore well before, the metabolism slows down. In that case, your hormonal conformation is changing. This does not mean, I remember, gaining weight by strength.
    But having a different distribution of body fat plus, losing more lean mass every year if you don’t exercise. Combine these two and now you know why your appearance is changing.
    You can join the gym and try to reduce sedentary lifestyle, avoiding cheats.

  3. You have slow or fatigued digestion and lack regularity or on the contrary suffer from frequent colic .

    For our metabolism to do its dirty work, we need to make sure we have excellent digestion . First of all, if after lunch we get abiocco, it may be that the glycemic load of the meal is high, with a consequent tendency to gain weight. Again: we must strive to have a daily bowel regularity. Constipation and poor digestion, but also frequent colic, contribute to making us fat because they reflect an altered bacterial flora.

  4. You are not increasing the quantities, but the comfort food.

    Even some almost involuntary dietary choices lead to weight gain. According to many researches, for example, depression leads to a change in weight : either you don’t eat or most of the time you tend to eat more and worse. The need for serotonin causes us to choose to eat more refined sugars (snacks, cookies, ice cream) or fatty and sugary foods together (chips, snacks, etc.). Review all those situations of stress, frustration, and more that you have been carrying on for too long.

  5. You are undernourished.

    I know you are now reading and thinking “Undernourished? Are you joking? But if they are too chubby! ”. Yes, I know.
    But a nutritional deficiency affects the metabolism, slowing it down, and the hunger receptors, causing them to short-circuit. For example, deficiencies in vitamin D, calcium and B vitamins are all associated with the tendency to accumulate body fat. It often takes years to notice the effects of these deficiencies.
    Just because you eat too much doesn’t mean you eat right.
    In any case and whatever the cause, get a blood test. I know it’s a break, but it’s also a way to tell if you have particular deficiencies, if you have a health problem or something else.
    Once the problem is solved, you will return to weigh less.

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