Live happily without a diet?

Live happily without a diet?

Before you ask me, I’ll clarify the title: by without diet, I don’t mean without eating, I mean, without a low-calorie and slimming diet. Is it possible to live without diet and restrictions? Absolutely yes, and indeed it is the best possible condition for most people. In this article I will explain in a single point why diets do not work in the long term, they can make your life worse, they should only be done in case of need. And the point is: stress.
According to a new study in the journal Obesity,
 feeling bad at the thought of your body weight or being too worried (= weight stigma) causes an increased risk of cardiovascular and metabolic syndrome, due to high levels of stress.

Restricting food, feeling guilty when we eat something more, having to calculate calories and macronutrients is a source of great stress for our body. Which not only harms health, but confuses the body, making it unable to manage the sense of hunger and satiety with the effects we all know: feeling in situations where food is deserved, punishing yourself if you eat too much with restrictive behaviors, having nervous hunger problems, obsessively thinking about food.

According to the Binge Eating Disorders Association ( BEDA ), which published this article in response to a study comparing calorie restriction with intuitive eating, “millions of people struggle with weight and health problems, including eating disorders, because they are taught that counting calories is the only way to stay in the right weight ”.
BEDA explains in the same article that losing weight and staying healthy are not the same thing at all , that people can stay healthy at any size, as long as they learn to eat with greater conscience.
Food consciousness and low calorie diet are not the same thing.
He also points out that calorie restriction studies are always short-term, while many studies have shown that most people gain weight back one to five years after losing it ( source ).

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