Fat: how to eliminate the belly or hips with the diet?

Fat: how to eliminate the belly or hips with the diet?

How to eliminate the belly or hips through a diet and physical activity aimed at our particular body shape?
I recently made a video about this problem , but in this article I will put some practical examples of diet and sports to eliminate the belly or hips.

If we tend to gain weight and fat on the abdomen, it is very likely that despite being women we will have an android obesity conformation, while if we are like most women worried about hips and thick legs then we have a gynoid conformation. .

Commonly these android and gynoid morphotypes are called apple or pear.

Now, if it is true that part of our physical conformation derives from our bones, so we can have a large rib and a narrow pelvis or a small rib and a wide pelvis, in this type of conformation we have seen that hormones play a role. key in how fat is located. So if we want to eliminate the belly or hips, the calorie deficit is not enough, if we do not consider how hormones interact with our health.


For women who want to lose weight because they have an apple shape, the number one enemy against extra pounds is cortisol , which tends to raise insulin. It is therefore necessary to work on the adrenal glands and reduce stress starting in the morning.

So how to eliminate the belly by setting your diet and training? Here are the rules.

  • Avoid high-glycemic carbohydrates. Sweets and sugary snacks should be avoided, especially if not balanced with proteins.
    For example, if we want to eat a biscuit or two it is better to combine them with a jar of natural skimmed yogurt.
  • Never eat protein alone. The proteins must be balanced with a vegetable side dish and a small amount of carbohydrates including pasta al dente, basmati rice, brown rice, fruit, potatoes, corn or a little toast. Otherwise they create a hypoglycemic decompensation that raises the adrenaline, stressing the adrenals.
  • Avoid low carb diets.
  • Don’t train too much and never fast. Better half an hour every day or one hour three days a week.
  • Go for balanced diets.
  • Eat more carbohydrates in the morning, prefer fruit + a protein food and raise the fat a little at dinner.
  • Snack if you feel hungry.
  • Also no to crucifers and an excess of fiber, because women with an apple-shaped body have a delicate digestion.


  • The Zone / Mediterranean Zone Diet
  • Balanced diet with low glycemic index ( example here)
  • Functional nutrition by Dr. Farnetti ( example here )
  • Fodmap diet. 
  • Schwarzbein protocol

The training of women with an apple body should not exceed 3 or 4 sessions per week and may include a few more sessions of abdominals. Now let’s see how a woman with a pear-shaped body should behave at the table and in the gym.

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