Dcomedieta tips, the tips for weight loss for the 3rd week

Dcomedieta tips, the tips for weight loss for the 3rd week

Late by a few hours (let’s say almost a day!), Here are the tips for losing weight this week called tips : little tips that I propose every Monday to lose weight without a diet, but with common sense.

After having seen in the first tips how many carbohydrates to eat per meal, how much to eat between fruit and vegetables and how to balance the meal in order not to lose weight, let’s now see how to behave at the table and between meals .

I remind you that all these suggestions have a scientific basis: just click on the links highlighted in pink to read some studies on the subject.

There are two suggestions this week:
1) Chew each bite for a long time before swallowing it: this trick has even been the subject of more than one method of weight loss; from Dr. Durant’s 30/40 diet to the 100-bite diet, to a study of 200 obese people who linked slow chewing to weight loss . Reason?

Chewing for a long time favors the sense of satiety and makes us more aware of what we are eating. It takes the brain 20 minutes to learn that we are full , so the longer a meal lasts the more likely we will be full sooner. And how to make it last without overeating? Chewing!

2) Eating between meals yes or no? If you feel hungry, my second tip is about hunger-break snacks. One study found that those who snack during the day lose more weight than those who try to control themselves.

My suggestions are perfect for their fiber or fat content: a whole Greek yogurt or a raw carrot or 5 prunes ( reduce nervous hunger and promote weight loss ) or a “fibrous” smoothie based on raw spinach ( reduce the nervous hunger ) and a fruit (plus 1/2 glass of water), or for those who like to put something under their teeth, a licorice log (not if you are hypertensive).

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