Becoming a crystal therapist: the power of minerals

Becoming a crystal therapist: the power of minerals

Specific crystals for specific pathologies. Becoming a crystal therapist allows you to intervene at different levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Let’s see how

Becoming a crystal therapist: the power of minerals

What is crystal therapy

By crystal therapy we mean a holistic discipline focused on the use of crystals, stones and minerals of various shapes and colors in order to reach and maintain a state of psycho-physical well-being by stimulating the  natural energy resources  of an individual. Crystal therapy is based on the assumption that each body has a particular  energy field , which interacts with external events. 

The  properties of stones and crystals  and their effectiveness were discovered thousands of years ago. In many of the most ancient civilizations, Egyptian and Maya above all, these crystals were used during ceremonies, to divine the future, as a lucky charm and for the treatment of specific ailments. The basic concept of crystal therapy is that according to which man is able to absorb and transform energies through the Chakras, doors of access to the vital energy flow of our body. Although having no scientific basis , the therapeutic principles of crystal therapy, also shared by Yoga, acupuncture and ayurveda, are not in contradiction with current scientific research. 

Becoming a crystal therapist means operating in an area still pervaded today by a dubious efficacy, as crystal therapy has never passed the tests aimed at demonstrating its alleged functioning. Any beneficial results found through crystal therapy for now are due to a  placebo effect . The main contraindication for those who are about to experiment with crystal therapy is represented by the possibility that those suffering from certain pathologies neglect traditional therapies, of proven efficacy, to rely on alternative therapies. 


Crystal therapist profession

Crystal therapy is usually used by a  naturopath , a competent holistic practitioner able to help the subject find in himself the mental and physical energy to deal with the disease. Becoming a crystal therapist allows you to intervene at different levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The session is not exclusively concerned with physical healing (which is part of the chemical and physical component of crystals), but unfolds in a path based on feeling and listening to oneself. A stone enters into a relationship with the human being like an instrument tuner : everything in the Universe is vibration and we are part of it. 

There are various methods to use the stones and with them favor the energy balance of the individual. There will be prolonged contact , in which the stone is always carried with it for long periods in direct contact with the skin and is worn for example as a pendant or bracelet. The temporary application , in which the stone is periodically placed on the part of the body to be treated. Meditation with crystals, with the stone worn or in the hand, in which one focuses through breathing or visualization. And finally the placement in the environment : here the stones with a wide range of action (therefore quite large, like the druze) can be placed in the environment in which the person lives.

Specific crystals for specific pathologies, therefore, including insomnia , liver disorders,  anxiety  and  headaches . The removal of energy blocks through crystals is often assisted by practices such as aromatherapy and Reiki. 


Becoming a crystal therapist

How to become a crystal therapist ? Since in Italy the profession is not recognized , just as that of naturopathic is not and, in general, the figure of any operator of bio-natural disciplines is not recognized, one can proclaim, from one day to the next, operators in this sector.

To become a crystal therapist it is not enough to learn what you read on the various websites, distribute pendants based on the zodiac sign and profess yourself able to cure various ailments. Let’s also say that this is the best way to feed the detractors of alternative disciplines yourself and crystal therapy. Another way to become a crystal therapist is to enroll in a crystal therapy school.

When choosing a crystal therapy course, we suggest you turn to professional crystal therapists and naturopaths, with a lot of VAT number and invoice, and who know the stones first mineralogically speaking and only then metaphysically.

The complete path, or the courses that make up the training program as a crystallotherapist , are generally spread over two years , but you can complete the path in the time you want. To graduate as a crystal therapist, one must attend all classes, pass the exam positively and discuss a thesis . To teach you must have obtained a diploma , attended all qualifying courses, and completed the required internship . There are also remote crystal therapy courses. 


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