Are you looking for a diet that works? Here’s what to do

Are you looking for a diet that works? Here’s what to do

As I always explain to those who ask me, and there are many, the problem of losing weight is not losing weight itself, but making sure to keep the weight lost . Which is more difficult than you think, if most people tend to gain weight again in the short to medium term, meaning they regain the weight they lost within three months to one year of stopping the diet.
In short, the diet that works is not the diet that drops the needle of the balance , but the one for which later on we will no longer have weight problems. There are many reasons why he gets fat again: on the one hand, the metabolism that slows down following a crash diet, on the other, for example,

the difficulty in combining the maintenance diet (often mortifying) with everyday life , in which a pizza, a birthday, but also the bad moment for which we sink into the sofa with a blanket and a pack of biscuits, lead us to accumulate new weight . How to remedy this?
Well, what am I doing here?
Below I explain a simple dietary approach that has the advantage of being sustainable, it can be done for a long time without contraindications, and it can make us lose weight without giving up the foods we want. Your metabolism will not slow down, but you need to be consistent in doing so. According to the scientist Nuala Byrne, who conducted a study on this dietary approach, doing this diet will allow us to lose weight little by little but constantly, without activating those mechanisms, partly psychological and partly metabolic-hormonal they regain the weight lost.
This method is called MATADOR (Minimising Adaptive Thermogenesis And Deactivating Obesity Rebound).
That is: two weeks of low-calorie diet + two weeks of usual diet. 
Then repeat. On page two I give you a practical example to create the diet that works with this method.

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