A man loses 180 kg thanks to a friend

A man loses 180 kg thanks to a friend

briantransformationI have known this story for a few months, the news leapt to my eyes some time ago, while I was doing a research on the correlation between obesity / overweight and the environment , where by environment I mean all those situations in which we are involved in the outside: friendships, work and the workplace or colleagues, our partner, our meeting places and so on. While we often underestimate this problem, friendships and life partners are essential in our fight against extra pounds : they can decide to help and support us and make a difference, or treat us like delusions. While I was engaged in this research, I come across this news and even if it strikes me I decide to let it go:I have often used this blog to talk about cases of men and women with serious obesity and overweight problems who have lost up to 100 kilos without resorting to bariatric surgery . These episodes are more frequent than I myself was willing to think and are often reported by newspapers abroad (while in Italy this kind of news does not exist at all). But this guy was beyond my imagination: a tall big guy, who until 2012 weighed the beauty of almost 300 kilos. She lost 180. Now she runs running and biking marathons and the only time she saw the scalpel was when she had to remove the excess skin from the weight loss, almost 15 kilos of extra skin alone: ​​a cosmetic surgery. which, however, has nothing to do with weight loss, which was without the use of surgery.
Before you think that this is not possible, here is his blog , and here the news reported and commented on in a newspaper . As if that were not enough, here is the youtube channel , in which Brian, this is the boy’s name, tells the whole story of him. In 15 months he lost about 180 kilos, while at the time of the video, after another 3 months, he lost another twenty kilos more.

I’ll tell you his story in a nutshell, because I find it exceptional: B rian Flemming weighed a whopping 283 kilos when he met Jackie Eastham, thanks to an online game., a woman older than him, very aggressive and combative, although suffering from muscular dystrophy, an often disabling condition. Brian also lived a disabling condition: with that weight, he never left the house, he was prediabetic and had an alcoholism problem that he had kept hidden from friends and family. He talks about it with Jackie, with whom a splendid virtual friendship was born in the meantime. Jackie scolds him and urges him to take his life in hand and take care of her health: she who has serious health problems cannot bear that a thirty-year-old boy can ruin her life like this.
And Brian realizes that another way to live is possible : he stops drinking, stops eating fast food, cuts all sweets at his waist, and starts going out for long walks., the beginning of a very respectable physical routine, given that now he runs and rides a bike and also participates in races.
And in 15 months Brian lost his beauty of 18o kg, also managing to meet Jackie and transforming his life.
The moral of the story is always the same: if he did it, why can’t we?

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