8 Mini light meals for weight loss without a diet

8 Mini light meals for weight loss without a diet

Why resort to meal replacements or packaged bars to reduce daily calories when we can prepare delicious mini light meals under 250 calories?

One is enough to replace lunch and one to replace breakfast to lose weight effortlessly and without a specific diet, using simple and seasonal ingredients.

Let ‘s see the recipes of these light meals and get inspired.


Light mini meals to replace lunch or dinner.

  • Green bean salad with roasted natural tofu.

    100 gr of boiled green beans or snow peas (alternatively 200 gr of soy or mung bean sprouts), 100 gr of natural tofu cut into small pieces and roasted in a non-stick pan, basil or mint or oregano, a teaspoon of oil, juice lemon or apple cider vinegar. After roasting the tofu, perhaps with a mix of spices, season the green beans with oil, vinegar or lemon juice and herbs. Serve the roasted tofu on a bed of beans or mix everything together. You can use the same weight of chicken breast if you don’t like tofu.

  • Hummus light with carrot slices .

    Blend 100 g of boiled chickpeas or boiled and drained crown beans with a pinch of cumin or sesame seeds, fresh mint or parsley, a third of a small clove of garlic, salt, pepper, lemon juice and a teaspoon of oil. Eat it with 100 gr of carrot cut into thin slices or 250 gr of cucumber in wedges.

  • Egg white omelette with cheese.

    Make an omelette with 4 egg whites or 125 grams of pasteurized egg whites in the bottle, cooked in a pan with a teaspoon of oil or butter and enriched with a generous spoonful of grated pecorino or parmesan, salt, pepper. While it cooks, add 100 g of coarsely chopped fresh spinach or alternatively 100 g of diced pepper. Fold the omelette in half and serve immediately.

  • Stuffed potato.

    Take a small potato or a 100g batata (sweet potato), make a cross cut, and put it in the oven for about 15 minutes with salt and pepper. Remove from the oven, open the wedges and pour over 2 egg whites blended with 50 g of cottage cheese or cottage cheese or 30 g of feta cheese and chives or rosemary, a pinch of salt. Return to the oven for another ten minutes. Serve hot accompanied by 100 g of iceberg salad dressed with a teaspoon of oil and lemon or vinegar.

  • Cauliflower rice with tofu or turkey breast.

    Prendete 150 gr di cavolfiore (peso da crudo) e lessatelo per 10 minuti, di modo che sia ancora piuttosto al dente. Scolatelo bene e frullatelo per pochi secondi al mixer, per ottenere un trito grossolano, a grana grossa. In una padella fate rosolare 100 gr di tofu al naturale a tocchetti o petto di tacchino con un cucchiaino di olio, sale, paprika o peperoncino o curcuma, origano, e aggiungete 50 gr di mais dolce. Fatelo rosolare per 5-7 minuti, poi versatelo su un piatto in cui avete già disposto il cavolfiore tritato. Mischiate e gustate.

Mini pasti light in sostituzione della colazione.

  • Smoothie cremoso di avena.

    Frullate in un mixer 200 ml di latte scremato o di soia light con 10 mandorle o 15 arachidi, un cucchiaio di fiocchi di avena o due cucchiaini di germe di avena, mezzo misurino di proteine del siero del latte alla vaniglia o 100 gr di yogurt greco scremato in sostituzione, cannella e stevia o dolcificante. Bevetelo al posto della colazione.

  • Crema di yogurt proteica ai semi di chia.

    Mischiate 150 gr di yogurt greco scremato con un cucchiaio di proteine in polvere gusto vaniglia o mischiatelo a 100 gr di albumi pastorizzati montati a neve. Aggiungete un cucchiaino di semi di chia, cannella o zenzero in polvere, stevia. Tenetelo in frigo una notte e mangiatelo a cucchiaiate la mattina dopo abbinandolo a 4 pavesini.

  • Tiramisù light.

    Take 3 Wasa slices (blue pack) or 3 wholemeal rusks and sprinkle them with water and decaffeinated coffee or water and decaffeinated tea sweetened with stevia. Garnish it like a tiramisu with 125 grams of vitasnella yogurt between one slice and another. Put the third slice on top, sprinkle with a teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa and enjoy it the next day.

Learn more: Discover The Diet of Meal Replacement: Lose weight with DIY recipes. 

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